Welcome to the website of The Buxton / Friendship Museum Archives and Culture Center, located at Lot 35 Edmond Forde Street (Lower Level), Buxton Village, East Coast, Demerara Guyana. The purpose of our website is to extend the reach and provide you with information and pictures as it relates to our Museum and Archives.
On August 4th, 2018, we had a grand opening celebration and we are proud to say that to date, the museum continues to expand and attract visitors. This was impacted only by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last year.
Museums throughout history have their purpose in society in every country, based on their Mission and Vision of what they were established to portray. They provide a social outlet for people in communities that they serve while at the same time preserve history. They also contribute to the economies of communities and, if properly structured, the country in general.
Fellow villagers,
First, I must thank the Board of The Friends of the Villages museum for giving me the opportunity to communicate with you. Also, I must thank Mr. Reogon Martin, Artist for being instrumental in the vision to set up the Museum in our village. As President and your local coordinator, I was asked to provide some background information to enlighten you about what you are asked to embrace and commit to for its Success. I do not like to speak about myself but am forced to do so in order for you to grasp the importance of our Mission & Vision.
Buxton/Friendship twin villages were purchased by our fore parents as slaves, in 1934 & 1938 respectively. They planned out the villages for the survival of a people. Buxton/Friendship and surrounding villages have a tremendous history. A history of people, businesses, places, organizations, landmarks and events to name a few. A number of years ago I physically left Guyana, but spiritually, emotionally and mentally I never left and as a result I visit The country/ Buxton very often as many of you know. For the record as a Buxtonian, I have lived at a number of locations, from Friendship backdam side as Ras Boogy would tell you, Company road, railway line top and lastly, the middle street where the Museum & Archives is being located.
The idea to set up a museum, archives and culture center in the Villages of Buxton/ Friendship was nurtured and researched for over ten years. Finally, when things were put in place for the construction of the building to house the center, the organization Friends of Villages Museum & Archives, Inc. was formed to support such a historical undertaking.
The official Buxton Friendship Museum, Archives and Culture Center is located at lot 35 Edmund Forde Street, ( Lower Level) in Buxton Village, Guyana. Its mission is to promote a greater understanding of the rich history, culture, achievements & contributions of the descendants of Buxton/Friendship, Bladenhall, Vigilance, Annandale and Lusignan. Its aim is to share and involve the museum and archives in the community, while also being an institution of cultural entertainment and education, and a place to reflect on the lives of the individuals associated with these areas while appreciating the full racial and cultural diversity.
On August 4th, 2018, we had a grand opening of “The Buxton / Friendship Museum Archives and Culture Center” located at Lot 35 Buxton Middle Street (Lower Level) Buxton Village, East Coast, Demerara, Guyana.
Continuing, after our celebrations in Guyana at the Museum venue and the Tipperary Hall on August 4th, 2019; The Friends of the Villages Museum & Archives Inc. held its First Biennial Special Awards Dinner & Dance at the Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center in Laurel, Maryland USA on November 9th, 2019, with the theme “ Rekindling the Ancestral Fortitude and Resilience of our Village/ Villages” The keynote speaker for this event was Dr. Nigel Westmaas.
(Supported by The Friends of Villages Museum & Archives Inc., a non-profit organization in the USA)
Tel: 502-1970
Greetings, We trust that all is well as we combat this monster of a pandemic, caused by COVID-19. It has become a daily ritual for us to follow all protocols of washing hands, social distancing and other directives & medical advice handed down to us by our respective Governments to keep us safe, healthy and alive. At a time when we need each other’s support. It is also a time for us to reflect on the way we used to live and go back to using some of our basic herbs, vitamins and most of all building up our immune system. Please let us all try to stay safe and healthy. Also, we offer our condolences to all those who have lost loved ones and wish all those who are hospitalized or quarantined, speedy recovery.
(Supported by The Friends of Villages Museum & Archives Inc., a 501 C3 non-profit organization in the USA)
Tel: 592-502-1970, Cell 592-659-9675
Note: The Museum is currently open Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 1 pm- 5 pm.
On August 6th 2022, we celebrated our 4th anniversary at the Museum and Archives compound in Buxton. Apart from our opening in August 4th 2018, it was determined this anniversary was special. In keeping with our mission, vision and purpose, we invited persons from the various political parties including President Ali, various churches in the villages, University of Guyana lecturers, the International Decade for people of African Decent ( IDPADA-G), The Guyana Reparations Committee, Guyana Institute of Historical Research and other notable persons and representatives.
In acknowledging our ancestors contributions in purchasing and setting up our villages from 1840/1841 and persons who followed in their footsteps over the years, we decided to make this anniversary special to launch our “NOTABLE and OBSCURE VILLAGERS” exhibition which was long overdue. This exhibition signifies the beginning of a long list of villagers that contributed to our existence and development, some without being publicly acknowledged.